Broadway Entertainment Group
17 March 2020
In line with the latest advice from the Australian Federal Government, Broadway Entertainment Group and SOKOL Entertainment are regretfully canceling performances of The Little Prince at the Capitol Theatre in Sydney, due to have opened in April.
The announcement follows Government restrictions on static gatherings of 500 or more people owing to concerns over the spread of Coronavirus (COVID-19). The health and safety of audiences, artists and theatre staff is paramount and remains our priority.
We are working with the venue to re-schedule the production to play at the Sydney Lyric in October 2020. Current ticket holders will be given priority to rebook for the show if you have opted in to receive further communication from us. If you have not, please register on The Little Prince website:
All ticket holders for the Capitol Theatre performances will receive a refund as outlined below:
Ticketmaster Credit Card Purchases
If your tickets were purchased from Ticketmaster using a credit card, you will receive a refund back onto your card of the full purchase price. We will process your refund immediately, however, this may take up to ten (10) business days to appear in your account.
Ticketmaster Cash & EFTPOS Sales
If your tickets were purchased from Ticketmaster using cash or EFTPOS, please return to your point of purchase with your tickets for this performance to exchange your tickets for another performance or receive a refund of the full purchase price.
All Other Bookings
If your tickets were purchased in circumstances not listed above, please return to your point of purchase to receive further instruction on a refund of your theatre tickets. For current advice and information please visit the Australian Government health website.
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For further information contact – Kabuku Public Relations – PH: (02) 9690 2115
Belinda Dyer | E: | M: 0415 686 014 Isabella Feros | E: | M: 0411 617 614